Tips on Dangerous Items That Could Cause a Dental Emergency

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Erika Philips @ 1:12 am
woman eating a lemon slice

A dental emergency usually catches people by surprise, but in retrospect maybe they were putting their teeth in harm’s way. There are items that definitely elevate your risk for teeth trouble just by putting them in your mouth. Some might be surprising, while others are obvious. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Chardon what items you can avoid to steer clear of a dental emergency.

Bottle Caps

It can be difficult to open a drink with a plastic or metal cap sometimes. No matter how much you want to, don’t ever try to open it with your teeth. You could chip, break, or lose a tooth, especially if you are biting down hard and slip while trying to turn or pop the cap off. Go find a bottle opener or someone who is a bit stronger to lend a hand.


Chewing on ice after finishing a beverage is a common act. You might find it satisfying, as opposed to the dental emergency that could follow. Dentists see patients all too often who have cracked a tooth after chewing on ice. If you just can’t get away from ice, at least lead toward slushies and their tiny ice particles that are much easier on your teeth.


You grow up being told to eat your fruits and veggies. That’s usually sound advice, but not always. While lemons do have vitamin C that is good for you, the citrus fruit is highly acidic to cause enamel erosion and throw your mouth’s pH balance off-kilter. On a related note, if you have a habit of drinking lemon water in the morning to aid digestion, it should be replaced by another method.


Most people have probably chewed on a pen and not thought twice about it. Maybe it’s from boredom or nervousness. Regardless of the reason, it can introduce your mouth to harmful bacteria. Worse yet, you could break a tooth chewing on a pen. If you need to chew on something, sugarless gum is a great alternative and good for your teeth.

Your Fingernails

This is an obvious one, as any fingernail-chewing enthusiast is well-aware they should not be doing it. It’s not necessarily the worst thing you could chew on, but over time it can wear down your teeth and create tiny cracks in the enamel. It also puts your jaw in an unnatural position, which can cause pain in your ears, teeth, or jaw.

Your dentist in Chardon knows better than to chew on a pen, and they’ll hope you are exercising the same common sense. Keep the aforementioned items away from your mouth and your odds of dealing with a dental emergency will plummet!

About the Author

Dr. Robert Slezak earned his dental doctorate from Case Western Reserve University and is a member of the American Dental Association. He has completed state-of-the-art continuing education at the prestigious Pankey Institute. Dr. Slezak hopes you’ll avoid chewing on any of these items, but if something goes wrong, he’ll be ready to serve as your emergency dentist in Chardon. He offers sedation dentistry and will make every effort to see you as soon as possible. Call (440) 285-8211 as soon as possible.